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Perfect and first class coffee


What's Our Customer Said?

As Coffee Bank global agents in Jordan and the Middle East, we know exactly what it means to offer exceptional coffee and cardamom services, and to deliver great results. We are delighted to help Coffee bank customers achieve the goals they seek to see. We are committed to the terms of the Agency to provide all kinds Perfect and first class coffee   in Jordan and the Middle East just as it is exactly available in Europe. See what my customers are saying about the work we've done, and contact our company today to see what we can do to help you to choose your excellent first class coffee with the wonderful flavor you prefer.



TO Whom It May Concern

This is to certify that Mr. Ahmad Al Sharif, President of Coffee bank co, is member in the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Jordan since June 2016

Executive Director


Dear Mr. Al Sharif

On the occasion of the completion of my tour of duty as Ambassador of the Hellenic Republic ( Greece ) to Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, I Would like to warmly thank you for your relentless efforts for the promotion  Jordanian- Greek economic and trade relation.

The Jordan Europe Business Association has, during the past three years, displayed a true commitment and determination in order to mobilize our mutual benefit.

You have organized a major business forum and guided business missions with utmost efficiency and professionalism.

For your support and contribution to lay the foundation of a new era in Greek -Jordanian relations, I am grateful and I encourage you and JEBA in general to pursue your efforts with my successor.

Please accept the expression of my highest consideration and wishes for success and prosperity.

Tryphon S.Paraskevopoulos

مؤسسة المواصفات والمقاييس الاردنية
مؤسسة المواصفات والمقاييس الاردنية

الموضوع تهنئة وتبريك
تحية طيبة وبعد
انه ليسعدني ان اتقدم اليكم باسمى ايات التهنئة  والتبريك بمناسبة تجديدكم لشهادة علامة الجودة الاردنية لمنتجكم من القهوة المحمصة الكاملة والمجروشة والمطحونة للعلامة التجارية "Coffee Bank" وهذا يدل على حرصكم لرفع سوية الصناعة الاردنية مما ينعكس ايجابا على العائد الوطني
مباركا لكم سعيكم المتواصل على طريق التميزوالنجاح مما يؤدي الى دعم وتعزيز الاقتصاد الوطني وتحقيق التنمية الشاملة في كل المجالات الصناعيىة ترجمة لرؤى حضرة صاحب الجلالة الهاشمية الملك عبدالله الثاني بن الحسين المعظم حفظة الله ورعاه
معا لمزيد من التقدم والازدهار 
وتفضلوا بقبول فائق الاحترام
مهندس محمد سعيد الاسكر
قائم باعمال مساعد المدير العام للشؤون الفنية

More Testimonials 

Testimonials from every place

Night Rider
Ahmad Al Sharif
Hala Al Jamal
Mahmoud Alkiswani
Mhaya Carillo
Ghada Al sharif
Median Mousa
Jinan Alkiswani
bashar zayed
Nasema Zayed
قهوة ممتازة ومميزة
Gihad from Chicago, IL USA
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(06) 420 1600

(06) 420 4463

Complex No 106, Al Hurriyah St 106, Amman, Jordan

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