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Contact Coffee bank stores
Contact the World Coffee stores in the Middle East for perfect coffee and very high quality from coffee Bank a global agency for all kind of coffee and the best coffee
PO Box: 496 Post Code: 11953
Amman Jordan
1. Coffee bank Al Muqablain
Complex No 106, Al Hurriyah St 106, Amman - Al Sharif Building
Call: 00962 6 4201600
2. Coffee bank khalda, Amman
Wasfi At-Tall St. 342, Amman, Opposite United Bank
Call: 00962 6 5374848
3. Coffee bank Al Yadoudeh
4. Coffee bank Al Faisaliah
Al Azraq St 271, Amman
5. Coffee Bank Middle East
Customer Service: 962 79 577 0220 Whatsapp: 962 79 5 990 660

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