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Coffee Bank: The Best Coffee in the World

Coffee Bank is a global agency of coffee with a commitment to quality. We use cutting-edge technologies to lead the coffee industry forward, and our products are certified and tested to the highest international standards.

We offer a variety of coffees from all over the world, including Turkish coffee, Colombian coffee, decaffeinated coffee, Mexican coffee, Ethiopian coffee, Adani coffee, Italian coffee, espresso, French press coffee, French coffee plain, French coffee flavored, American coffee, American coffee flavored, Arabic sada coffee, Jordanian sada coffee, Saudi sada coffee, Brazilian coffee, Indonesian coffee, instant diet coffee, coffee shell, and Guatemalan cardamom.

Our coffee is perfect for any occasion, whether you're looking for a delicious cup of joe to start your day or a decadent treat to enjoy after dinner. We also offer a variety of coffee accessories, so you can brew the perfect cup of coffee every time.

Visit our website to learn more about our coffee and coffee accessories. We also offer free shipping on orders over $50.


Our coffee is perfect for any occasion, whether you're looking for a delicious cup of joe to start your day or a decadent treat to enjoy after dinner. We also offer a variety of coffee accessories, so you can brew the perfect cup of coffee every time.


Explore our selection of coffees from around the world and find your new favorite cup of joe.

CB Coffee

CB Coffee | قهوة كوفي بنك

CB Coffee: The Coffee of Perfection
CB Coffee is a high-quality coffee that is prepared with special blends from Coffee Bank experts. CB Coffee is made with only the finest Arabica beans, and it is roasted to perfection to bring out the rich flavor and aroma of the beans.

Espresso coffee

Espresso Coffee | قهوة اسبريسو

If you are looking for a delicious and stimulating coffee beverage, espresso is a great choice. It is the heart of coffee, and it is sure to please even the most discerning coffee lover.

French Coffee

French Coffee | قهوة فرنسية

French coffee is a simple yet elegant drink that is made with dark roasted coffee beans and brewed in a French press. It is characterized by its rich flavor and its smooth, full-bodied texture.

Sada Coffee

Sada Coffee | قهوة سادة

Sada Coffee: A Rich and Flavorful Tradition
Sada coffee is a traditional Arabic coffee that is made with coarsely ground coffee beans and cardamom. It is characterized by its rich flavor and its smooth, full-bodied texture.

Indonesian Coffee

Indonesian Coffee | قهوة اندونيسية

Indonesian Coffee: Rich and Diverse
With its rich flavor and diverse character, Indonesian coffee is sure to please even the most discerning coffee lover. So next time you're looking for a great cup of coffee, reach for some Indonesian coffee and enjoy!

Mexican Coffee

Mexican Coffee | قهوة مكسيكية

Mexican Coffee: A Varied and Delicious Tradition
Mexican coffee is a delicious and versatile coffee that can be enjoyed in many different ways. It is a great choice for those who are looking for a rich and complex coffee experience.

Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopian Coffee | قهوة أثيوبية

Ethiopian Coffee: The Original
With its unique flavor and rich history, Ethiopian coffee is sure to please even the most discerning coffee lover. So next time you're looking for a great cup of coffee, reach for Ethiopian coffee from Coffee Bank and enjoy!

American Coffee

American Coffee | قهوة أمريكية

American Coffee: A Simple Pleasure
American coffee is a great way to start your day or to enjoy a break in the afternoon. It is simple to make, but it can be incredibly delicious and satisfying. So next time you're looking for a pick-me-up, reach for a cup of American coffee From Coffee Bank and enjoy!

Brazilian coffee

Brazilian coffee | قهوة برازيلية

Brazilian Coffee: The World's Favorite
Coffee Bank is a leading coffee roaster and retailer in Jordan. They offer a wide variety of Brazilian coffees, including Arabica, Robusta, and blends. Coffee Bank is a great place to find high-quality Brazilian coffee.

Adani Coffee

Adani Coffee | قهوة عدنية

Adani Coffee: A Rich and Smooth Tradition
Adani Coffee is a Coffee Bank Product that is known for its rich and smooth flavor. It is made from Arabica beans that are grown in the Adani Coffee region. The coffee is roasted medium to dark, which gives it a full-bodied flavor.

Colombian Coffee

Colombian Coffee | قهوة كولومبية

Colombian Coffee: The Coffee of Distinction
Colombian coffee is known for its smooth, balanced flavor and its rich aroma. It is grown in the high altitudes of the Andes Mountains, where the climate is ideal for coffee cultivation. Coffee Bank is a great place to find high-quality Colombian coffee at a reasonable price.

Turkish coffee

Turkish coffee | قهوة تركية

Turkish Coffee: A Rich and Foamy Tradition
Turkish coffee is a strong, unfiltered coffee that is made by boiling finely ground coffee beans in water. It is a traditional coffee in Turkey and the Middle East, and it is known for its rich flavor and thick foam. Coffee Bank is a great place to find high-quality Turkish coffee.

بن كوفي بنك       Coffee 100% Arabica, Fresh, Pure and Original


شركة كوفي بنك عمان-الأردن هي شركة متخصصة في تصنيع وتجارة جميع منتجات القهوة الطازجة والهيل في الأردن ودول الشرق الاوسط منذ عام 1999م مجموعة ذات جودة عالية من منتجات القهوة والهيل بجميع أنواعها، مكونة من أفضل واجود  أنواع حبوب القهوة الجامبو ١٠٠% أرابيكا من الدرجة الاولى
تتميز جميع منتجات الشركة من القهوة والهال بالتوافق التام  مع أعلى المعايير  العالمية، قهوة الدرجة الاولى وبطعم ورائحة  بن وهيل زكية وفريدة من نوعها لتكون من أجود أنواع منتجات القهوة الطازجة لتلبية  أذواق عشاق القهوة . ومن أهم منتجات القهوة الطازجة لشركة كوفي بنك  ما يلي :-​

  • قهوة برازيلية بجميع انواعها

  • قهوة إندونيسية

  • قهوة للتنحيف

  • قشرة القهوة

  • هيل جواتيمالا

  • قهوة تركية بجميع انواعها

  • قهوة ايطالية بجميع انواعها

  • قهوة فرنسية جميع الانواع والنكهات

  • قهوة امريكية جميع الانواع والنكهات

  • قهوة ساده عربية بجميع انواعها

كوفي بنك

كوفي بنك، شركة عالمية متخصصة بصناعة وتجارة القهوة بكافة أنواعها، تأسست وكالة عالمية للقهوة عام 1999م.

 لها تواجد في أغلب دول العالم منها في بريطانيا، ايرلندا، الصين، اليونان، قبرص،ومنطقة  الشرق الاوسط (الادارة الرئيسية في عمان الاردن ) وخمسة فروع في عمان الاردن والامارات العربية المتحدة  دبي هي

  1.   كوفي بنك فرع خلدا

  2.   كوفي بنك فرع المقابلين

  3.   كوفي بنك فرع اليادودة

  4.   كوفي بنك فرع الفيصلية

  5.   كوفي بنك الشرق الاوسط (دبي)

وتعتبر مجموعة محمود الشريف رحمه الله الوكيل الحصري للعلامة التجارية كوفي بنك ( Coffee Bank )  في المملكة الاردنية الهاشمية وهي ايضا متخصصة بصناعة وبيع وتسويق وتجارة القهوة بكافة أنواعها واشكالها والوانها ونكهاتها، كما يشمل النشاط العمل على طحن وتحميص جميع أنواع القهوة بكافة خصائصها، كما وتسعى لخدمة المجتمع المحلي من خلال تقديمها لأفضل أنواع القهوة والهيل بكل دقه واخلاص حيث ان جميع منتجاتنا تخضع لفحوصات دورية كل ثلاثة اشهر في الجمعية العلمية الملكية لتكون منتجاتنا من اجود وانقى انواع القهوة بالاردن .

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(06) 420 1600

(06) 420 4463

Complex No 106, Al Hurriyah St 106, Amman, Jordan

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